Thomas Vanek is as hot as a pancake (to steal a Harry Neale comparison) not only is he tied for first in goals with Jeff Carter and Alex Ovechkin (who has unsurprisingly caught up in goals scored) he's been named to the Eastern Conference All-Star team.
For me the actual All-Star game is boring because we all know it's going to be a high scoring game with very few penalties, very few hits and no fights (not that I can remember at least). Now that's not to say that I'm not going to watch it because I will but I'd much rather watch the skills competition which I believe to be the most exciting part of the All-Star break.
Now as Cari said in a previous post we are trying to make this blog less puck bunny and more intelligent hockey discussion which means that I have to curb those puck bunny tendencies that seem to want to surface every time Paul's name is mention. They include giggling, swooning and making keening noises when someone mentions his name or when he's on the ice during a game. I lead a sad and pathetic life, don't judge me. Now just because we're saying that we're going to try and make this blog not so puck bunnyish doesn't mean that it's not going to be puck bunnyish some of the time because we're girls with hormones and lots of 'em.
Back to intelligent hockey, now I don't know if any of you have heard about the live chat that the Buffalo News hosts Thursday mornings but if you haven't it's basically a question and answer session when fans send in their questions and Bucky Gleason answers them. One question in particular caught my eye someone asked what was up with Pat K. considering they said he would be out for three weeks after being put in a hard brace for his neck injury and it's already been two weeks with no word as to a date for a return. Bucky said in response that it's a ligament in Pat's neck that has been giving him trouble since being suckerpunched by Denis Gauthier. Correct me if I'm wrong but the Sabres haven't actually come out and said what's wrong with Kaleta's neck so at least now we know it's not a concussion or something really serious like a cracked vertebrae. The live chat is still up on Buffalo under Sabres Edge for anyone who is interested.
Blood in the Water
12 hours ago
Bucky said in response that it's a ligament in Pat's neck that has been giving him trouble since being suckerpunched by Denis Gauthier.
Was Gauthier ever fined for that?
Was Gauthier ever fined for that?
*bitterly* No, he was not.
Patty K may come out and say what the issue was all together on his own when he starts skating again.
He better start skating soon I miss hearing the boards rattle.
Was Gauthier ever fined for that?
Like Frostee said he wasn't and I still want to know why. It was a dirty hit from a player who's obvious intent was to injure apparently suckerpunching someone doesn't warrant a suspension.
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