That was pitiful, I asked my mom if I could gnaw off my arm and use the bloody stump to beat myself over the head with, she said no because all the blood might scare the kids who were sitting behind us. Needless to say I was very disappointed with the way the Sabres played tonight, we should have had this game and should have come in with guns blazing. But instead of machine guns and bazookas we were forced to play with water guns or hell those cap guns my brother and I used to play with as kids.
I'm not sure what went wrong because mistakes seemed to come from everywhere, but Patrick Lalime, where have you been all my life. Honestly if it wasn't for him standing on his head for two periods the score would have been at least 5 to 0. Miller was mad that he got pulled, you want to know how I could tell? Maybe the fact that coming in from the first intermission when he saw Lalime in net he took his goalie stick and chucked it down the walkway from the locker room.
I wanted to tell Sekera that he's playing hockey not leap frog with the way he did that tuck and roll over Miller's head in the first period. Well he can look at it this way, if hockey doesn't work out he always has a future as an acrobat in the circus.
I wanted the Sabres to get angry but they sure as hell weren't playing like they were, I wanted to punch someone and I wasn't even one of the players on the ice getting my ass handed to me by a team we should have beaten blind folded and with our collective hands tied behind our backs. We were all over the place, passing was bad because the players refused to watch where they were shooting, for some reason they couldn't seem to keep the puck (when they managed to have possession) on their sticks, they kept hitting the 'Canes defense in the shins with the puck which caused a bunch of unfortunate bouncings allowing the 'Canes offense to regain possession.
One funny part of the game was when Justin Williams from the Hurricanes got hit and stuggled to make it to the bench with what looked like an arm injury. At the same time he was trying to make it to the bench the rest of his teammates on the same line where changing and other player were coming out the door that he was tryin to get through. I sit in the 300 level directly across from the opposing player's bench so that I can look down the hallway that leads to the locker room. Williams' teammates were blocking his way into the bench so that the 'Canes risked a too many men call, Williams yelled at one of these offending teammates "GET THE FUCK OFF THE ICE" which I and I'm sure just about everyone else in the arean could heard loud and clear. After Williams made it onto the bench he took his stick when he was in the hallway and swung it against the floor effectively breaking it in half, yeah he's got some anger issues.
Anyway Happy 30th Birthday Adam Mair, MJ I hope you're baking your future ex-hubby some tofu brownies because after the way the Sabres played tonight, that's about all he and the rest of the team deserve.
ETA: Forgot to mention the guy behind me in the concession stand line was saying that if he were Lindy Ruff he would be throwing and breaking things in the locker room. I turned around and told him that Lindy likes to throw the dry erase markers across the room. He asked me if I was serious and I said yeah because in last years 'What would you get Lindy Ruff for Christmas?' video Tony Lydman said he'd get Ruff some more dry erase markers because Ruff likes to cap and recap them repeatedly when he's talking (usually breaking the caps while doing so) and when he's really angry he throws the markers against the walls. I wish I could find that video somewhere but they never posted it on the Sabres website, it was hysterical some of the answers that the guys gave.
Blood in the Water
2 hours ago
Maybe the fact that coming in from the first intermission when he saw Lalime in net he took his goalie stick and chucked it down the walkway from the locker room.
This just reiterates the point I made in my latest post about Ryan when he's angry.
I'm trying to remember the last time I saw him mad when he wasn't between the pipes. I don't think there was a time I've seen him display genuine emotion when he was on the bench other than the usual yelling at a bad call. I wanted to go and give him a hug.
A few times I looked down and it looked like he was yelling at some of the players on the other end of the bench. If I were him I would have thrown everything that wasn't nailed down at the players in the locker room.
I miss that video...
This makes me heart him even more.
You know how we were talking about the many faces of miller? Well this is another face the authoritative face, the I don't give a crap if you hate me right now I'm going to give you a piece of my mind whether you like it or not face. And I happen to like it a lot.
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