But I'm trying this new thing for me, where I'm actually going to study regularly on my own time, and not just pay attention in class. That worked out well for me in high school, but I can't say it's doing much the same in college. So, in order to not waste my $354.50 that I had to pay in tuition this semester, I'm actually taking the time to do my reading and take my own notes.
Sad, right?
But school also messed up my blogging schedule. Last semester, my earliest class was at 10, which still left me plenty of time to wake up early, blog, get ready, and then be on my way. This time around? No. I decided that I wanted to get all of my school out of the way so I could have all afternoon and evening to myself. So, being the genius that I am, I made my Tuesday/Thursday schedule so that I go in at 8, and I'm done at 12:15. Wednesdays are a bit tedious, in that my lab starts at 9, but my last class lets out at 3:50.
For that reason, I'm not blogging nearly as much as I used to. I just have too many things on my plate once I get home from school, or I go somewhere... You know how it is. And it's not like I can even blog in between classes, because T/Th, I only have 15 minutes breaks, and Wednesday I have an hour and a half, but that's my lunch time (I only have two classes that day).
And then there's the whole work issue.
I used to be able to blog at work. The past few games I was going to, but out of the 12 patients I have, eight of them decided to come down with the stomach flu this week. Yeah, so I didn't really have time to blog, much less eat my dinner, because they all decided to get violently ill during my down time. Thankfully that wasn't during the Sabres game. Well, no, I actually did miss the first period of the Phoenix game. Kim and my mom were blowing up my phone about Paetsch and ridiculous calls, and I had no clue what they were talking about.
I'm back... At least, for the time being.
Thus far, I can't really complain about the west coast trip. Yes, we lost to Calgary, but we also walked all over Edmonton, and won a tough game against Phoenix. I can't really comment on the meat of the games, though, because I was in a stupor during the Oilers game, and at work for the 'yotes. The Flames game, though.. I don't even remember where I was. Well, it was Wednesday, so I guess I was home. But, again, in a stupor.
But what I can say is DAY-YUM.
Don't even get me started on Tim Connolly. I FREAKING LOVE THIS MAN, STD's included. If they've helped to make him the hockey star that he is, I'll take it. He's been absolutely phenomenal the past couple weeks, and I will be absolutely devastated if anything happened to him now. But I did freak out when they were stitching up his lip. All in all, though, he just won't be able to kiss any of the puckbunnies, or anything along those lines.
This, though, was my cousin's Facebook status, in regards to Timmy C:

(Sorry, Shelby... I wasn't knocking Tommy, you know I love him. I just love Timmy more.)
So basically, enough said. Thanks, Todd.
And Nathan Paetsch??
Dang, when did he get so feisty??

I'm not going to lie; I like it.
And Ryan Miller has been so foxy in net, and foxy on his living room couch, and just foxy in general.
Watch this, and you'll see what I mean. It's basically everything that was in the TBN on Sunday, but I just like how cute he looks in the video.
Yeahhh, and Derek's assist one Drew's goal was pretty sexy as well. Just like Drew's play as of late.
Oh, and Patty K, Patty K, PATTY K!!!! Way to cause a ruckus in your first game back! That's why I love you. Oh, and not to mention how adorable you were in your interview:

Who could punch this face??
Oh, wait... Denis Gauthier could. Funny thing, though, is that he's being told to report to a disciplinary hearing with Gary Bettman. Aww, shucks, Denis. Looks like you can't get away with being an asshole forever!
And in other NHL news, Ottawa has *finally* fired their coach. I mean, when did the rumors start for real? I know I wrote about it back in... Oh, wait, nevermind. I can't find it, but I believe it was back in the beginning of January when we doubled up on them, 4-2. Sucks to be you, Craig Hartsburg. But I find sick enjoyment in Ottawa's struggles, myself. I think I'm getting to the point where I hate the Sens more than the Leafs...
Alright, so my plan for this evening is to do some Psychology reading, watch the St. Louis/Detroit game tonight, and then the Sabres game at 10. It might kill me, but I might have to go to bed before the end of the game. I'm not sure if I can run on four hours of sleep again...
I will most definitely be back tomorrow, though. I promise. Even if it is at four in the afternoon. xoxo.
I feel like I blog more during the semester because I'm compelled to be awake and at a computer, like right now between classes. During break I'm like "I just don't have the motivation to sit in front of my computer and talk about hockey." Ok, I still do it of course, but I actually have to convince myself to fire up blogger and write something.
And Nathan Paetsch??
Dang, when did he get so feisty??
I'm not going to lie; I like it.
I agree, I like it too.
That video with Miller was awesome. He's a very intelligent, thought out guy.
And glad to see you're back blogging, I enjoy reading them!
It's so difficult finding time to blog on a high schooler's schedule. Why does every single freaking teacher at that school think we have hours upon hours to sit around and study for their respective classes?
Derek's assist = foxy
Nathan's fighting = foxier
Patty's face = even foxier
Ryan and his couch = foxiest.
During break I'm like "I just don't have the motivation to sit in front of my computer and talk about hockey." Ok, I still do it of course, but I actually have to convince myself to fire up blogger and write something.
That's exactly why my blogging has been so hit or miss since the middle of December.
That video with Miller was awesome. He's a very intelligent, thought out guy.
That's what I thought. He's very articulate, and takes his time choosing his words. That actually pisses me off, though. I'm like, "Get to the point, damn it!!" Ehh, but that's how my brother talks sometimes, so maybe I just need to get used to Ryan talking like that...
I LOVED the weird goalie comment he made.
AS SOON AS HE SAID THAT, I DIED. I'm like, "I'll help you wear out the cushions on your couch. OMG DID I JUST SAY THAT??" Because I really did say it out loud. My mother gave me the weirdest look because she hadn't heard what was playing on my computer.
Ryan and his couch = foxiest.
OMFG! That is soooo funny!
I'm definitely going to frequent the Lexington Co-op now... =]
(Sorry, Shelby... I wasn't knocking Tommy, you know I love him. I just love Timmy more.)
Haha, totally fine by me. :D I love Timmy too (even though my girlfriend and I have a bet that someday he's going to get a hangnail to end his hockey career), but he's still amazing.
Patty K surprised me by being in that 'Yotes game. I didn't realize he was playing until the fight! I love feisty men. <3
Patty K surprised me by being in that 'Yotes game.
Hahaa when I read that it was possible he'd be playing, I flipped. My good friend and her fiance recently moved to Phoenix and were going to the game, so I made her promise to text me and tell me if he was in warmups. She kept texting me about him all night too!! I just adore my hometown boy.
I was soo happy when I saw Pat was back. We need him!! I was [pleasantly] surprised though when he got in a fight... did he NOT just come back from a horrible concussion that left him not being able to see? Either way, love him.
did he NOT just come back from a horrible concussion that left him not being able to see?
It was actually a problem with a tendon in his neck (I'm guessing due to whiplash? And the vision problems were from the initial punch.). I was surprised he was fighting, too, but hey, it's Patty K! Should we expect anything different? Hell no.
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