Errr, maybe... Sabres are back? Celebrate? Ehh, my attempt at rewriting Eminem's lyrics are no where near as good as some of the others I've attempted, like Tom Petty's Free Fallin', Lou Bega's Mambo #5, or The Foundation's Build Me Up Buttercup.
Wow. I don't go off on tangents much...
Are those the Sabres I'm in love with, winning before my very eyes once again? ARE THEY BACK AGAIN? I can honestly say that I think the Sabres have finally woken up and turned the ship around. At least it appears that way, right?
I think we finally got some of that good puck luck that Lindy's been talking about, ever since the guys apparently gave up on The System.
But seriously, though, I'm too overjoyed that they finally are putting a GOOD streak together to even figure out something to write about... That's terrible.
OHHHH. But seriously guys? You need to look for me and my beautiful friend Brittany on TV tomorrow. I'll show you exactly where we're sitting tomorrow, but I'm still looking for the right picture, but anyways, we'll be sitting front row in a corner, behind Ryan twice. EXCITING SHIT, as I've never sat front row before. And I've been going to Sabres games my whole life. Strange...
Did anyone else get really, really, REALLY annoyed that the (a) Versus guys kept talking about the Crosby and Malkin Shows, and the (b) refs totally tried to screw us over and hand the game to the Pens on a silver platter??
It's a damn good thing we have awesome penalty killers...
And I seriously think Derek is trying to win me back with pretty goals, and a nice point streak, and a point total that's approaching his pace for last season. Well, it's working.
BUT DEREK... We need to take our relationship slowly. Obviously, jumping in that deep, that quickly distracted you, and I apologize for being responsible for your slow start. If we take it slow, maybe you can focus more on your game and not be so overwhelmed by our amazing compatibility. That way, you're happy because you're playing better, and Lindy's happy because you're playing better, and most likely the team is happier because they'll be winning more, and I'll be happy because you guys are all happy.
It's a win-win situation, really.
You know what else is a win-win situation?

AL SCORED!! Okay, so maybe that didn't make sense, but whatever. I almost never make sense, so it's appropriate.
But he really does score in all areas of life, because this is his girlfriend:

I'm shocked that it's not another blonde. Not that there's anything wrong with blondes, or anything. One of my best friends is blonde. I just think it's funny that most of them are blonde... Very pretty, though.
And can I just say that I'm really glad that Crosby (or Crotch-by, as I dubbed him at one point last night) was held to a -2, and that my Pittsburgh BF Jordan Staal got nothing. Nothing at all. Love it.
Well, I guess that's about all I can come up with for now. I'll probably post later when I'm not in an I-just-woke-up-and-cannot-focus-on-anything stupor.
<3 Sabres.
I'm shocked that it's not another blonde.
Not that there's anything wrong with blondes
That's better. ;)
That's better. ;)
I wanted to go blonde for a while in my senior year of high school, but since I have lots of freckles and a rosy skin tone, I opted to stay with my red hair. Only I ended up highlighting it. A LOT. So it appeared to be more strawberry blonde with peek-a-boo low-lights, except the low-lights were my real hair...
So to reiterate, I <3 blondes. I just think that it's refreshing when you see a hockey player NOT married to or dating a blonde. I meant no offense, trust that.
and how about Millsie almost kicking Malkins ass at the end???
Haha I was just messing with you, I knew you didn't have any "blonde hate"!
...Damn, that girl is definitely smokin'. Al got a great catch, that's for sure (lookwise, anyways).
And I agree that there's nothing wrong with blondes. (:
Haha I was just messing with you, I knew you didn't have any "blonde hate"!
I know, I know... I just felt it was necessary to really prove it. But remember when I said my best friend is a blonde? Well, I found out just a couple hours after I posted this that she dyed her hair this morning, so she's a brunette now. Oops.
...Damn, that girl is definitely smokin'. Al got a great catch, that's for sure (lookwise, anyways).
I know, right?? Well, that's Miss Czech for ya.
Well, I found out just a couple hours after I posted this that she dyed her hair this morning, so she's a brunette now. Oops.
TRAITOR!!! Just kidding. Actually I'm not even a natural blonde. Shhhh. My natural hair color is more of a dirty blonde/light brown. A few years ago I dyed my hair dark brown, but I missed being a blonde too much so I dyed it back and have kept it the same ever since.
TRAITOR!!! Just kidding. Actually I'm not even a natural blonde.
She's like you, naturally, too, but she highlights the hell out of it, but it looks gorgeous. I haven't seen her hair yet, but from what I've heard, it looks great. I won't see her until I pick her up for the game tomorrow, so the jury is still out, as far as I'm concerned. She can rock whatever hair color she wants, though. She's lucky like that.
I don't know what I was impressed with more, that you found AK's girlfriend or that you keep up with the Southern Bohemian Hockey blog! LOL! And I am so jealous that you will be in the first row. You go girl. You know I live vicariously through you. I'll be looking for you and you should also be looking for former President Bill Clinton in Golisano's box. He was invited to the game by Goli (as reported on the news tonight). When I went to the game the day after T'giving, the "Brady Bunch" gang were sitting in the box above our section. "Greg" was helping Sabretooth throw t-shirts. Anyway, Have Fun!
I don't know what I was impressed with more, that you found AK's girlfriend or that you keep up with the Southern Bohemian Hockey blog!
Oh, see, I can't take credit for much of that at all... I was actually searching for pictures of Al, and there was a link that said something about his girlfriend, so I clicked it, and it was for Puck Daddy, I believe, with a link to Southern Bohemian Hockey...
So, really, Google did all the work for me, but thanks!!
And you are most welcome to live vicariously through me anytime you wish.
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