Okay, now that I've got that out of my system...
So I must say, sitting in the front row--in the corner--is very, very exciting, especially when the Sabres win.
Brittany and I weren't prepared for just how nerve-wracking it can be to see two 200-pound men skating quickly towards you, with only a piece of glass to stop them. It's actually downright scary.
Quick hits from the game:
- Pommers got hit right in front of us. WHY JASON? Why couldn't someone flatten Lecavalier right there, or something?
- The delay-of-game call on Miller was COMPLETE bull shit. I was sitting ten feet away from Miller and could clearly see him catch the puck, then proceed to wave his closed glove in the air for the refs to see. I don't care what anyone says, Miller is on the shit list of the refs, along with Roy and Kaleta. Hell, throw everyone wearing blue and gold up on there, as well.
- Ditto for the "boarding" call.
- The guy behind us called Jaro "Space Station." That was pretty good.
- Thomas Vanek is a sexy beast. Enough said.
- Nathan Gerbe is extremely impressive. I've said it before (I think): It's one thing to watch him on TV and say, "Yeah, he's good," or "Yeah, he's really fast," but you have no idea until you've seen him play in person. He's fantastic. I will say this, though: He looked good last night, but this is nothing like what he can play. When I saw him up in Portland, I was completely blown away. And that doesn't happen much...
- Goose and Mair are also sexy beasts. I love the picture of Paul on the front of TBN's Sports section today. Hahaa.... Sauce from the Goose. I love it.
- What's with the no-call when Derek got his lip cut open??
(I love how this is all ADD-ish, and not in order of anything that really happened in the game...)
- Britt's boyfriend texted us at one point and told us that we weren't hitting the glass enough. Mostly because she braced herself every time the players skated towards us, and I guess maybe he watched us, and saw her sit all the way back.
- He then texted us and said that the guy sitting next to us looked like a snowman. Our response? "It's Frosty, duhhhhhh." He did on TV, though. White hat and a white long sleeve T on a big man? Yep.
(Derek is late calling up Kiss again... He's so unreliable...)
- Back to Miller's penalty, I'm really proud of the guys for killing off that two-minute two-man. Kudos.
- Steven Stamkos looks like Luke's friend Nick, so we proceeded to call him that for the rest of the night.
- There was a guy sitting right behind us that looked like he could be our friend Tom's twin.
Ohhhh, well I can't really remember much else. I'm blogging, listening to the radio, and reading the newspaper at the same time right now. Multi-tasking is something I can usually do well, but it's not really working for me this morning. I have to do it, though, because in about an hour, I have to head out for Canada, as I have an interview for my Nexus pass at 11 am.
This was the best picture I found from the night:

Oh, and Britt and I were in a couple pictures from Getty, as well:

AHHHH he scored on that one. And then my hand hurt really bad. I usually can take a lot of pain, but I didn't think that hitting plexiglass repeatedly would hurt that much...

I don't like this picture. (A), because I look stupid, and (B) because Pommer had just been smooshed right in front of me, and (C) you don't mess with my Pommer.
Alright, well I don't think Derek's woken up yet. So I'm going to go get ready, and if Derek ever decides to call, I'll update you on his ridiculousness.
This is totally unrelated to hockey but when you get your Nexus pass remember that there is no designated Nexus lane at the Lewiston/Queenston bridge so you have to wait in line with everyone else and it sort of defeats the purpose of having a Nexus pass when you are using that bridge. They forget to tell you that in your interview and we learned the hard way. All of the other bridges have designated lanes.
Just to clarify my last comment, you can still use your Nexus at the Queenston/Lewiston bridge as your ID, they have the card readers in the lines, you just have to go in one of the regular lines with all of the people who don't have Nexus.
OK we thought that was you! LMAO! Jay stopped the DVR and I think that was Cari...
AHAHAHA. That's funny. So many people called or texted me last night and were like, "OMGAH I SAW YOU ON TV!!! WHY WASN'T I WITH YOU??"
Aw, and thanks for looking!! =]
This is totally unrelated to hockey but when you get your Nexus pass remember that there is no designated Nexus lane at the Lewiston/Queenston bridge
We always use Rainbow when we go up to Canada. Well, at least my Nexus friends do. My other friends use Lewiston, but whatever. Thanks, though, dear!
"but you have no idea until you've seen him play in person. He's fantastic."
He's really strong. Like if you watch him in the corners, it's crazy to see because he's so little.
And yes, I'm in agreement of the plexiglas being painful to the hands.
First off, I agree with you. I hate to miss warmups. It's like foreplay.....nuf said.
Second, Cari, Cari, Cari, you look great in both pics. At least you weren't in the process of slamming a nacho dripping with cheese into your mouth when they snapped the picture!
Third, did anyone hear anything about Pommers moving? Bought himself a nice little 3/4 mil "shack" in Clarence next to Vanek. How cute is that? Maybe I'll finally run into him buying milk and cookies in Wegman's or a hot chocolate in Starbucks since he's only a few miles from me! lol
Girl you're famous! That must have been a real fun game to be at!
He's really strong. Like if you watch him in the corners, it's crazy to see because he's so little.
I can't believe some of the stuff he does. The guys behind us last night we ooh-ing and ahh-ing the whole night. It was fabulous. At one point, I think he ducked under a Tampa guy with the puck and those guys about lost it. =]
At least you weren't in the process of slamming a nacho dripping with cheese into your mouth when they snapped the picture!
Did that happen to you, dear? Because I was petrified of it happening. That's why when I got my pretzel and cheese in the 2nd intermission, Britt and I scarfed it down as fast as we could.
Girl you're famous! That must have been a real fun game to be at!
Sweetie, it was fabulous!! Now if I could only get Getty to release the pictures to me for free without the watermark. I think that's a legit request, seeing as I'm in the picture... Don't you?? Too bad it'll never happen.
He got engaged? Really? Hearts are breaking all over Buffalo I bet (well the 20-something hearts at least). I must have missed that little tidbit.
About purchasing the pictures, did you try goggling gettyimages.com You may be able to buy them there.
Don't know what the price is though.
I was never in any pictures, but i did get on the jumbotron at the last islanders game with my friends which was also somehow shown on tv. got lots of texts and thank God i wasn't eating!
i honestly have this recurring nightmare that they'll show me on the jumbotron or something while i'm choking on popcorn...but you looked lovely in those pictures!!
and if anyone ever asks me why i love nathan gerbe, i am showing them that picture.
About purchasing the pictures, did you try goggling gettyimages.com You may be able to buy them there.
Yeah, but I don't want to have to pay for them. I'm in them. I should get them for free. At least, I think I should.
And S(h)ara over at Sabretooth's House posted something from the rumor mill about Jason and his lady friend Kim a few days ago: http://sabretoothshouse.blogspot.com/2008/12/stir-that-pot.html
but you looked lovely in those pictures!!
If you say so. They're definitely not the worst of me, but they're nowhere near the best, either. Although I will say that they are better than the picture on my Nexus pass...
and if anyone ever asks me why i love nathan gerbe, i am showing them that picture.
ISN'T THAT FABULOUS?? I think I love that one as much as the picture Kim took when we were up in Portland of Gerbe skating next to Mancari. 5'5" (which is suspect) next to 6'4". Yikes.
Thomas Vanek is a sexy beast. Enough said.
Preach it!
I was completely surprised there was no call when Derek had his lip cut open. These refs...I'm telling you. El suck o' plenty this year, more than usual.
I was completely surprised there was no call when Derek had his lip cut open.
OOHHHHH I WAS LIVID. I wanted to climb over the glass and beat the shit out of those refs. The have all, once again, been put at the top of my shit list. Congratulations, zebras. I hate you all.
Now THAT would have been a fight to see, Cari! Jeez, forget Goose and Mairsy energizing the team; have some fans do it. ;P
(Of course, I am only joking.)
(Of course, I am only joking.)
I wasn't. =]
Because then my little ploy of having a Sabre officiate the game would've come true. Granted, I would have been arrested, I'm sure, but one of you lovely ladies and gents would've bailed me out, right?
Plus, it'd be worth the criminal record.
Sweetie, it was fabulous!! Now if I could only get Getty to release the pictures to me for free without the watermark. I think that's a legit request, seeing as I'm in the picture... Don't you?? Too bad it'll never happen.
Psh, those bitches better respect. Do the employees over at Getty Images ever appear in any of the photos that are on their site? Enough said.
Psh, those bitches better respect.
Haha, it'd be nice. =]
That pic of Gerbe reminded me of my daughter's U6 soccer team that I coached over the summer. Nearly all the kids would stick their tongues out when they were moving the ball upfield or just running or standing there, or... well, you get the picture.
I always end up looking at the crowd instead of the action in those shots. Like in that second one, the expression on the face of the bald dude makes me laugh. A lot.
well, you get the picture.
I caught myself watching Paille's facial expressions a lot during the game. He has that saw awestruck look, with his mouth wide open, ALL THE TIME. It was too funny.
Like in that second one, the expression on the face of the bald dude makes me laugh.
I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING!! He was really funny, though. He was cracking jokes the whole night.
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