Oh, and Paul?? Kim's hoping and wishing that you score a hat trick today. I'm thinking it's not going to happen. We'll see.
And I'll be the same in Stafford days...
Back to the real reason I'm so excited about posting today...
We all know that Derek Roy is the most high-maintenance of the Sabres, and we all know that he lives a lavish lifestyle that Kanye West dreams of. But Derek's a pretty simple guy. Wanna know why? Because he gets drunk, and does really ridiculous stuff, just like anyone else who's had a few too many.
But what I really love about this guy? The fact that he falls down on the sidewalk on Chippewa, with only one shoe one.

So I have this theory about how D might have hurt his groin. Now, among the wonderful pictures that dear reader Katie so wonderfully gifted to me, there's one that puts Princess D in quite a compromising position... I'm not going to elaborate... I'll leave that for my dear friend MJ, as I couldn't do it any justice...
BUT. I honestly believe that Princess D was probably out drinking at Liars or somewhere, and decided he wanted a change of scenery, so he stumbled out onto Chippewa. But because he'd had a few too many already, didn't consider picking his feet up to step over the cracks in the sidewalk, and took a tumble. I'm sure he twisted his groin while rolling around on the sidewalk like a turtle flipped over on its back.
And we all know how my theories seem to be working out this year. Remember what I said about the Sabres and Bills winning and losing together???
And, as if this day couldn't start off any worse, I'M HEARING FROM SABRES EDGE THAT PATTY K MIGHT BE HURT???!!??!!! OMG NO. I adore him. So no. Please. Just, no.
I don't think my heart could take a blow like that one after those pictures... I'm just too elated about Derek Roy to take a hit with Patty... It would just kill me....
And I'm with Lindy. We need some "puck luck," and we need it bad.
I have to start off this entry by wishing my beautiful partner-in-crime and best friend Kim a wonderfully Happy Birthday.
Awww, I just got all warm and fuzzy inside, thank you.
Happy birthday, Kim!
And wow, I love me some pictures of sloppy Sabres. What a mess. I mean, look at that sandal...yikes.
is it just me, or does it look like derek is having his friend pull his finger?
i thought only eleven year-old boys did that...
happy birthday, kim!
Awww, I just got all warm and fuzzy inside, thank you.
You're very welcome, toots. I just had better get something equally as nice, if not nicer, in three weeks. =]
And wow, I love me some pictures of sloppy Sabres. What a mess. I mean, look at that sandal...yikes.
He's a beautiful disaster. And I wouldn't have him any other way.
is it just me, or does it look like derek is having his friend pull his finger?
I was thinking that, too, to be honest with you...
is it just me, or does it look like derek is having his friend pull his finger?
My thoughts exactly. LOL.
I love these pictures.
I love these pictures.
Just wait, dear...
I am hearting these pics!
Me too, darling, which is why I'm putting another up.
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