I tend to copy people's random ideas once in a while, and this is one of those occasions.
Since Caroline and Kim both posted their wishlists, I thought that since my birthday and Christmas are both this week, I might do the same.
So here are the things that I want for everyday life:
- Gift certificates to Sephora, MetroPark, Express, and/or Tony Walker.
- Avon chapstick... The sugar cookie flavored kind.
- An extension on my car warranty.
- Updates to my music collection.
- A new printer. Any kind. I'm not picky. Even if it's only $20.
- (Don't judge me for this one.) Tickets to Britney's concert in either Pittsburgh or Toronto.
- My textbooks for next semester.
- Some clothing I will never, ever wear, just to hold to tradition.
And now some things that I really, really, REALLY want:
- Sabres, Bills, and Bandits season tickets.
- The Sabres to win when I go to a road game.
- Derek Roy to say Happy Birthday to me (Oh, wait... That happened already.)
- Paul Gaustad, Patrick Kaleta, and Tim Connolly to return to the lineup on Monday (wishful thinking, I know).
- A really, really, REALLY good game tomorrow night.
- My favorites to stay with the Sabres forever.
- And just one last thing:

i bet even if paul, patty, and timmy aren't back yet they'll be sitting in the press box feeling miserable because they can't play for you :)
i bet even if paul, patty, and timmy aren't back yet they'll be sitting in the press box feeling miserable because they can't play for you :)
AWWWW, if only I was sitting on that side of the press box tomorrow. =[
If all three of those guys returned tomorrow, I think I would have a heart attack. A heart attack full of AWESOME.
I think I would have a heart attack. A heart attack full of AWESOME.
AHHHHH. Amen, sister. Amen.
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