I'm not even going to talk about the depressing game the Sabes played on Saturday, and I don't even want to think about the stupid Bills game that Kim and I sat out in the rain for. EPIC FAILS ALL AROUND.
And how is it that my favorites from both teams end up with phantom groin injuries??? Just when they're playing poorly??
I'm too frustrated in my teams, and the fact that I messed up the cookies I was baking yesterday (I put in 5 cups of flour instead of 2.5. Go me.), just repels me from blogging this evening.
So Kim and I are going to go put some comfy, warm, and dry clothes on, eat some spaghetti, and play Guitar Hero World Tour some more. Not that playing from 11 pm last night until 4 in the morning wasn't enough, or anything.

We'll return tomorrow morning to our regularly-scheduled Sabres-fanatical blogging.
And believe me... It'll be worth it.
Isn't Pommers the cutest thing? :D
Isn't Pommers the cutest thing?
A few hours ago, I would've said yes. But then an awesome girl sent me pictures of Derek COMPLETELY DRUNK, and now I believe the title goes to him. But you'll see alllllll that tomorrow.
Uh oh, I can't wait for this. It should be good.
Uh oh, I can't wait for this. It should be good.
Ohh, my dear, I may actually have to let MJ handle this one because it's so freaking ridiculous, and I may not be able to do it any justice. THAT'S how amazing it is.
Ohhh, and we know how MJ takes these sort of things.
Her commentary will most certainly be EPIC if and when she gets her hands on those photos.
Her commentary will most certainly be EPIC if and when she gets her hands on those photos.
OHHHH SHE'S GOT THEM, AND SHE WAS SPEECHLESS. Now that's saying something...
I will keep my eye out for that MJ post tomorrow. Ahahaha.
I will keep my eye out for that MJ post tomorrow
HAHAHAH I don't know if she'll be tackling those tomorrow, but I told her that they must be addressed in the near future. Scratch that; the very near future. But I'm putting up one of them tomorrow.
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This time, Jarak bowed from the waist, his long white ponytail spilling over one shoulder. He waited for Irin to stand, then did so himself, water sluicing off him. She couldnt stop staring. Brevin stood, another cloth in hand. Someones strong arms surrounded her, and a broad chest met her cheek. He thumbed a tear from her cheek. Im looking forward to seeing the spell myself. He cupped her chin, gazing into her eyes. Her tears mingled with the oils that slowly dried from Hyles skin. I owe each of you an apology as well. Her fingers curled into fists, and she pounded both of them on his chest. She froze when his hand closed around her arm just above her elbow. She cant make it easy, can she? They still refused to relent. She closed her eyes and groaned, luxuriating under his weight. She collapsed into a gooey, shuddering heap. She shrugged, sidestepping to lower herself to the edge of one of two couches. Irin had been beside herself with the news. Her hands grasped his immediately. Dont you have magic for that?
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