Cari: I think I'll go to Boston for Saturday's game...
Derek: What? YOU'RE LEAVING ME??!!
Cari: Toots, it's only for four nights; I'll be back on Sunday.
Derek: But you're going to miss so much!
Cari: Like what?
Derek: Like, Friday's game against Atlanta, for starters.
Cari: But I'm going to be up in Portland watching the Pirates on Friday so I can scope out the hotties future talents.
Derek: But what about the Derek Roy Report? How am I supposed to let you know what more we have in common?
Cari: They post that on the internet. Besides, I think we need to take a break.
Derek: WHAT? Why?
Cari: Because it's a little bit overwhelming that we're such kindred spirits, you know? Plus, I think it's best if we spend some time apart. You know, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Some bullshit like that.
Derek: Okay... Well, you're not going to be able to vote for me in the All-Star game!
Cari: Derek, we all know how you're going to react if you get the nod. Besides, what kind of stalkerish fangirl would I be if I didn't vote for you 10,000 times a day? HMM? My aunt has wireless internet hooked up in her house, so don't you fret, sweetums, I'll be voting for you.
Derek: Good.
Cari: I just have one thing I need you and the boys to do.
Derek: What's that?
Derek: I'll see what I--I mean, we--can do.
Cari: Thank you. Okay, I have to go because I have to put gas in my car and then pick up Kim from School so we can get on the road. I'll see you Saturday! Or maybe Friday, since we're driving by your hotel late at night on our way back from Maine... So goodbye, for now, Derek.
Derek: Bye, Cari.
So if you couldn't tell, Kim and I are venturing up to New England today. So we'll miss the game Friday because we'll be at the Pirates game!!!!!!! and then we'll be at the Sabres game Saturday. YAYYYYY!! So if you hear about two crazy girls at the Boston game who happen to be from Buffalo who get murdered by those insane Bruins fans, that'd be us.
We might be able to post while we're up there, but don't count on it.
Talk to you next week!!
Go Sabres!!
Have a great time! (: Give those Pirates our love from Sabres bloggers everywhere!
Besides, what kind of stalkerish fangirl would I be if I didn't vote for you 10,000 times a day?
Good to know I won't be the only one doing this for a certain left winger. It's what fangirls like us do.
Cari: But I'm going to be up in Portland watching the Pirates on Friday so I can scope out the hotties future talents.
Hug Gerbe for me.
Hug Gerbe for me.
ABSOLUTELY!! Lemme at 'em!
Have a great time in Boston!
We'll be looking for you at the game when they camera pans the crowd for the away team fans
after the away teams scores (that would be us!)
So Make Some Noise!
And on a more serious note...
Being the incredibly super sleuthing stalkers (oops, I meant fans) that you two are, will we be seeing candid pics of the guys at the hotel they're staying at? at dinner? etc....
Have a great time in Boston!
hahahahahah we will. Don't worry.
As far as the camera, we're sitting in the 11th row, so it's totally plausible that we get on TV. I'll be wearing my Connolly jersey, even though he's lame again, and only because my Roy jersey hasn't come in yet, and Kim will be wearing a blank one, even though it should be a Gaustad jersey.
And we'll work on the pictures. =]
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