So looking back I realize that I haven't post in about a week and a half and I realized that many of you, that is if you care, might be wondering where the hell I am, or maybe you didn't notice, well if you did I thank you for caring. Let's put it this way, I am the bug on the windshield of life, I'm feeling all good and happy and then all of a sudden it's not so good and happy.
But anyway I have the rest of the week off so yay to vacation and sleep, which is what again? oh that's right something I haven't had a lot of in the past 3 weeks, unlike my wonderful counter part who has class tomorrow (sorry Cari, you know I love you). But that means I've also had time to update my profile information here, which previously looked like Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard, as well as catch up on some reading which involved books not composed of really long complicated words that I don't know the meaning of.
But in other good news Cari and I shall be attending tomorrow night's game against Boston and I feel I must remind you of what happened the last time we attended a Boston game together...oh that's right they LOST, something new and different for them (complete sarcasm there). We'll have played Boston three times in the last three weeks tomorrow night having lost two of those contest, so needless to say our track record against Boston has been less than stellar this season.
But, hopefully we can turn that all around tomorrow night with the return of Hank and Max to the line up, oh hockey gods let's hope.
The question remains, however, who sits out? The most obvious bench warmer for defense would be Nathan because he's been the odd man out all year, but well, I happen to think he played pretty damn well for someone who's had a pretty good view of the ice from the press box for most of the season. Offense is trickier, Boston is a pretty physical team which means we're going to need the enforcers patrolling the ice so that rules out Peters and Kaleta most likely. Paille is another player who could take a seat but seeing as it was his line that scored the first goal, YAY MARK, in Saturday night's game I'm thinking he's probably going to be playing. That leaves us with everyone's favorite rockstar, Drew Stafford, who, and it pains me to say this, has been really sucky lately, so he has my vote for bench warmer tomorrow night. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see what Lindy decides is best for the team.
Anyways, I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving, I'll be going to my brother's in Rochester, gorging myself on turkey, stuffing and potato puff, staying over and then going shopping with my sister-in-law early on Friday. Which means I probably won't be posting until after Friday night's game unless something drastic happens betwen now and then, let's hope not, unless it's of the good variety.
So until then, LET'S GO BUFFALO.
Blood in the Water
2 hours ago
I feel like EVERYONE I KNOW will be at that game tomorrow and I will not :(
If Danny Paille or Mark Mancari do something extra adorable, can you and Cari be sure to post about it in exquisite detail? THANKS!
If Danny Paille or Mark Mancari do something extra adorable, can you and Cari be sure to post about it in exquisite detail? THANKS!
I'm pretty sure we would be doing it anyways but if they do we'll be sure to make it extra special for you, plus I have some nummy pictures of mark from friday night's game that I haven't put up yet.
can you and Cari be sure to post about it in exquisite detail?
ANNE, WHO DO YOU THINK WE ARE? We LIVE for adorable moments from them. =]
plus I have some nummy pictures of mark from friday night's game that I haven't put up yet.
Ummm, yeah, dear. I've been waiting since Saturday.
And hahahah you have to go shopping with her!!! I'm not laughing, I swear.
Happy Thanksgiving! (:
I heard Petey and Patty K were actually going to sit tonight, but don't take my word for it. I doubt Lindy would put them in the pressbox anyways, especially since Boston is such a physical team to begin with.
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