I just want to say a few things, because I need to get them off of my chest, and you, being the amazingly understanding and sensitive guy that you are, are the person I need to say them to.
Before I make my points, I just wanted to tell you that your taste in music is impeccable. We'd do well sharing a car on a long road trip. And, having seen the way you drive, you can take the wheel. I like a guy who drives a hot car really fast. And, don't take that the wrong way...
But anyways, let me get to the point.
Ryan, we've known each other a long time, right? So I think I can say this without you getting all defensive and crossing your arms over your buff chest...

Oh, yeah.. Just like that. You know what? You look really hot like that...
ANYWAYS. I think you need to steal a game for us. Obviously our offense is seriously lacking, if you take Mark out of the picture, because there's no reason what so ever that we cannot win a game after having 40 shots on goal. (Oh, and can you tell Mark that I'm so impressed with his play since his call-up? And that if he keeps it up, I second the quote from Kevin Dineen: "I don't know if we'll see him again [in Portland]." Thanks, Ry!)
So I've decided that the only way to get us out of this, what did you call it, a "little bit of a rut," would be for you to stand on your head, give the performance of your life, and win for the team. Because they obviously can't do it themselves.
I mean, don't get me wrong; you know very well that I love every single guy in that locker room, and I would defend them tooth and nail, but they're just off. Or awful... Or both.
Ryan, that's all I ask of you. In the issue of The Hockey News that came to my house yesterday, you were listed in the Plus Column, saying this: "After signing a long-term deal with the Sabres, netminder Ryan Miller is delivering the goods." Well, somewhere along the way, the goods turned into the mediocres, and we need the goods back. Okay?? So, maybe, on Wednesday, we can turn it around?
Because I have this theory that this year, the Buffalo teams are mirroring each other a little bit. I mean, the Bills start off 5-0, the Sabres start off equally as well, if not better. Then the Bills lose 4 in a row. You guys have now lost 5 in a row. Well, the Bills kicked ass yesterday, as I'm sure you know. So I think Wednesday would be the perfect time to get this entire city all riled up again, don't you?
Let's try that then, okay?
Send my love to the team, especially Derek, for obvious reasons...
Love, Cari
PS--Can you please tell me when tickets for the Third Catwalk go on sale? Because I most definitely have to get some...
Zamn Ryan looks so sassy and ~confident~ in that photo.
I remember someone saying they saw Ryan get pulled over after speeding haha. They let him go, obviously.
Good Theory! The Bills Kicked Major Arse Yesterday! So, the Sabres should mirror them and kick major arse this week! (and for the rest of the season!)
Zamn Ryan looks so sassy and ~confident~ in that photo.
That. He. Does. And zamn is officially one of my favorite words now.
I remember someone saying they saw Ryan get pulled over after speeding haha. They let him go, obviously.
The day Kim and I saw him driving (followed him) on the 190 and 290, we were pushing 80, and I was thinking, Yeah, definitely not doing this anymore...
Drives fast huh? That would drive me crazy!
Slow driving drives me crazy. I can't take it.
Good Theory! The Bills Kicked Major Arse Yesterday! So, the Sabres should mirror them and kick major arse this week! (and for the rest of the season!)
I think best while I'm at work. Which, ironically, is when I really shouldn't be thinking about anything else except responding to every need of the elderly.
That. He. Does. And zamn is officially one of my favorite words now.
The day Kim and I saw him driving (followed him) on the 190 and 290, we were pushing 80, and I was thinking, Yeah, definitely not doing this anymore...
Zamn is a favorite of mine and so is zang. I usually use it like so, "Zanngg baby boy."
Ahh, it all makes sense now. Ryan just automatically drives fast now because he knows it gets rid of people following him hahaha.
I have a feeling Wednesday is going to be the night that the Sabres get a huge W on the board, and of course Ryan is going to have something to do with it. Right Ryan? Right?
Wow, that is a nice photo of Ryan. Those arms just appear out of nowhere, don't they?
The day Kim and I saw him driving (followed him) on the 190 and 290, we were pushing 80
80 on the 290? Whoo-boy. Y'all were lucky the cops weren't out that day.
The faster you go... the quicker the needle goes to E...
HAHAHAA... Yeah, ain't that the truth? Well, I drive a Saturn Ion, and that does pretty well with mileage, so I can't complain too much.
Ahh, it all makes sense now. Ryan just automatically drives fast now because he knows it gets rid of people following him hahaha.
HEY. It's not like I make it a habit to search them out and tailgate them, or anything. I just happened to be driving by the arena, and he was behind me, and then we happened to be driving the same way, and I might add that he almost rear-ended me... But it was pretty obvious that it was him. I mean, how many really sporty, nice BMW's do you see in Buffalo with Michigan tags??
I have a feeling Wednesday is going to be the night that the Sabres get a huge W on the board, and of course Ryan is going to have something to do with it. Right Ryan? Right?
80 on the 290? Whoo-boy. Y'all were lucky the cops weren't out that day.
I KNOW, RIGHT??? I'm hoping he has radar, with the way he drives. I mean, if I were a cop, and ended up pulling him over, of course I'd let him go, but seeing how they've been playing as of late, I'm not too sure a lot of people would...
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