Drew is a beast. And he knows it.
To My Dearest Drew Stafford,
Thank you for rescuing my heart from the depths of despair. I do not know what I would've done if you had not tied up the affair yesterday evening, with the flair of Jason's goal in the 2006 playoffs. And then you, again, lifted my spirits in the much-dreaded (by me, at least) shootout. I cannot thank you enough.
Please pass along my sentiments to Clarke, for scoring the first goal for us (I'm so proud of him); Ryan, for being spectacularly and fabulously incredible in net (I'm in awe of his performance thus far); Thomas, for his jaw-dropping moves (I love the Around-the-World!!); and the rest of the dashing young men who make me smile with a win (and scream, and jump, and dance, and carry-on like I just won a million dollars).
But Drew, I do request that you do two things for me:
(1) Please send my regards to the penalty killing units. They tried so hard to keep the puck from crossing the line, but alas, it had to at some point. I was quite impressed that they went five complete games maintaining that standard, and even yet they have still served their purpose for 96.6% of the time when they needed to. And I thank them profusely for that.
(2) Please inform Derek that if he does not increase his offensive production on this upcoming road trip, I will be very upset.
That being said, Drew, I hope you were not including me in your thoughts last night when you uttered this:
"This game is for all the mouse potatoes out there that don't think we can stick with it in a 2-1 game and come back."
Because, Drew, first of all, I am not a "mouse potato;" just because I can take an hour or so and peruse the internet to find something about you beautiful men to write about before I go to school, or whenever I find the time, does not imply that I spend my entire day writing about you. Yes, it is true that I love and adore all of you, but there are other things that require my time in life. Don't be so selfish.
And second, I do not believe I ever said anything of the like. In fact, I have been nothing but supportive of you all (Okay, except maybe in Tim's case, but I love Tim, and he knows that, so all is forgiven in that respect.). And Drew, I never breathed a word of your lack of production until last night, so I do not want to hear it from you. We're even now. Because, just to set the record straight, I love a team that can bounce back from a deficit, and do it with flair. And the Sabres have a knack for the flashy, flair-filled events, so it's obvious that I would never count the Sabres out. Never.
Oh, and Drew? Can you please mention to Ryan and Derek that I believe you three were the best players for the Sabres yesterday? I would have placed you as such, though: (1) Ryan, (2) yourself, and (3) Derek. But, while he put forth an outstanding effort last night, please don't forget to tell Derek to get his ass in gear. Please.
Oh, and Drew? You get to be my honorary favorite Sabre until puck drop on Thursday, okay? Just don't tell Derek about that; he may get upset. Although, his getting upset might help his name pop up on the score sheet a bit more. I don't know, though. He did seem pretty upset after he failed to score during the shootout, you know, dropping the F-Bomb, and all.
Well, Drew, I'll see you on Thursday, perhaps. Keep up the excellent work.
What the balls is a "mouse potato"?
Ah Drew, so good that the bounces FINALLY went his way. It wasn't for lack of trying that he wasn't scoring. Wooooo!!! He's got a place in my heart because I used to LOVE him and then he STUNK, but he seems to be coming back around.
Mouse potato... I think Cari got the gist of it: like a couch potato but on the puter instead of the tv.
Mouse Potato
I agree with Anne - what in the heck is a 'mouse potato' exactly? I could totally picture Drew pulling out a dictionary too, and giving an exact definition of the term. I need to know what this is.
Too bad Drew didn't lift his shirt up a little more in that photo, but you did not hear that from me. :P
He's got a place in my heart because I used to LOVE him and then he STUNK, but he seems to be coming back around.
That's kinda how I feel about Timmy. I loved him when he first got here, way back when, when I didn't care so much about the game, but the cute guys on the ice. I was in middle school; what do you expect? But now, after he's been good, but now he's just lame, I still feel the need to defend him, because I still love him.
It's kinda like how you like a local band a lot while they're just on the local scene (actually, when they were still performing at your/their high school talent shows), but then they make it big, and they kinda lose their appeal, but you still have a soft spot for them anyways...
I am trying to figure out way Roy got a star but eh let us relish in the fact that not a Bruin got a star... he he he!
I gave it to him because I had to throw my boy a bone. I ribbed on him a lot last night during the game, and especially during the other games thus far. But in all honesty, he put forth probably one of the best efforts on the team last night, so I'm assuming that's why.
I could totally picture Drew pulling out a dictionary too, and giving an exact definition of the term.
ME TOO!! I just see him as a guy with a fountain of useless information spewing from his head. Actually, that's kinda like me...
Too bad Drew didn't lift his shirt up a little more in that photo, but you did not hear that from me.
AHHHHHHH. That's the first thing I said when I saw that picture!!!!! And yes, I did hear it from you. =]
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