In the TBN today, there's a snippet about Drew:
Stafford suffered what's termed "cauliflower ear," a common injury among boxers and wrestlers, from a blow during a fight last week in Minnesota. He's had his left ear drained twice and stuffed with bandages.
"It was more a precautionary thing," Stafford said. "I didn't want to have an ear that's looked like I've gone a few rounds. I wanted to make sure I had a decent-looking ear."
Drew, I had no idea you were so vain. But, I suppose since cauliflower ear could potentially look like this:

I'm glad that you took measures to keep yourself looking like this:

Or, better yet, like this:

So, are you like best friends with Sidney now??? Could you maybe possibly slip my phone number into his phone??? That'd be great. Thanks.
A few other off-topic things:
Here's a link to the old, old, old bout between Rob Ray and Craig Rivet. Sorry, Craig, but Rob most definitely got the best of you.
The final roster and captaincy is supposed to be announced today, and I have class. Maybe I'll skip and blog my reactions? And maybe do some shopping? I think that sounds pretty good to me. I mean, it's only nutrition. Not that difficult of a subject.
And Dave and Adam's Card World has a couple notable signings coming up:
Craig Rivet, Tuesday October 28th, 7-9 pm, Transit Road location
Jason Pominville, Wednesday October 29th, 7-9 pm, Sheridan Drive location
Please, please, please! if you plan on going to one of these signings, you absolutely have to go to D&A's website because tickets may or may not be required, and there is a cost involved.
Oh, and please also don't hold it against me, because I was completely ignorant of the autograph session they had with one Nathan Gerbe. SORRRRRYYY. I totally would've gone myself.
'Til later.
The thought of someone having to get their ear 'drained' makes me gag. Ugh. ): But I'm glad that Drew's ear is feeling better.
If I had a driver's license/car I would so go to those signings.
If I had a driver's license/car I would so go to those signings.
Hmmm, that's too bad. I may or may not go, but if I do, I could offer transportation??
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