I have nothing to say about the pitiful loss to the Lightning. Nothing at all. Except this: Drew, maybe I really did need to bake you a cake. Maybe you would've had more incentive to play. But I don't know about the rest of the team... Maybe they expected cupcakes, or something. I guess I'll have to try again with Jason's birthday...
Anyways, I have to say that MJ's post today is fantastic! You should all go read today's installment of My Safety is Harvard. Now. But then come back, because I have some pictures to show you:
Thomas Vanek. Wow. He does pull Dumb and Dumber off well, though.
I think Paul took my flapper idea too far... Though, the balloons are a nice touch.
Pat looks like he's trying to be... Well, I don't know exactly.
Clarke is going as the winner of Pretty, Pretty Princess.
Mark's friend makes a nice, cute fairy princess, and Mark is Pippy Longstockings.
Stefan is a very sexy hula dancer. The hair is incredible.
Nathan wears that headdress nicely.
Jason's dressed as a very flamboyant member of Buffalo's Fire Department.

That's all I've got. And those are all stretches (except for Vanek's) because they're actually from the Amerks at Your Service Dinners, but whatever. They serve my purpose. And since you've all seen this picture, I couldn't very well use it:

I do like Vanek's, um, stance as he impersonates Lance Armstrong, and Paul's exposure of his legs as John McEnroe. Very nice, boys... Very nice.
And really, if you haven't read MJ's post yet like I told you do, do it now. You won't regret it.
Happy Halloween!!

I do like Vanek's, um, stance as he impersonates Lance Armstrong, and Paul's exposure of his legs as John McEnroe. Very nice, boys... Very nice.
And really, if you haven't read MJ's post yet like I told you do, do it now. You won't regret it.
Happy Halloween!!
That picture of Thomas Vanek is GOLDEN.
Somehow, frighteningly, that picture of Thomas Vanek looks so .....right.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
I've always wanted to see TV dress up like Spicoli from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High!"
Oh my, I love our boys.
The picture of Van and Goose still wins as one of the funniest photos I've ever seen. I love a man that can freely pose in a female-esque sort of stance. <3
And I'll have to agree with M.J. by saying that picture of Thomas portraying 'Dumb and Dumber' is so awfully right. Just...hoo boy.
Oh, and I'm not used to seeing Patches with all of that hair. I'm used to seeing it shaved down to the nubs.
That picture of Thomas Vanek is GOLDEN.
Ain't it??
Somehow, frighteningly, that picture of Thomas Vanek looks so .....right.
I died when I first saw it. He should know better than to put pictures like that on his personal website.
I've always wanted to see TV dress up like Spicoli from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High!"
OMIGOD that would be incredible!!
Oh my, I love our boys.
Meeeeee too!!
I love a man that can freely pose in a female-esque sort of stance. <3
AHHHHHahahhahaa. Fabulous. I never really thought about it, but I guess I do too...
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