First thing's first: Happy Birthday, Drew!!
Again, I told Kim that I wanted to bake you a cake for your 23rd Birthday, but she is still of the opinion that baked goods are too stalker-ish, so I caved. But Drew, understand that if I knew where your doorstep was, there'd have been a cake waiting for you this morning. I could have even made it paste-flavored. But anyways, I hope you get lots of ass for your birthday, because that's all any guy wants, oh, and a goal and a win would be nice, too, I suppose.
I still haven't completely forgiven you for the whole "mouse potato" thing yet, though...
(1) Andrew seems to have a bit of a stuttering problem, which is really cute. I don't really think he does, though; it's early. I stutter in the morning, too.
(2) Andrew lets his wife buy the Halloween candy, but she hides it from him.
(3) Brian Campbell used to plan the Halloween parties for the team. Petey says they probably aren't having one this year because of their schedule; he doesn't know the plan. (We'll see what Derek says.)
(4) Andrew insulted the guy on the radio. He suggested that he wore a lot of drag for Halloween in his childhood.
(5) He likes Entourage. Big surprise.
(1) He was told that Adam Mair was trick-or-treating.
(2) He refuses to go to HSBC Arena at sunrise. He admits it probably is nice, but no.
(3) Derek got the pigeon for his OT goal.
(4) Would be a golfer if not a hockey player.
(5) Thinks Petey is the funniest person on the team. They try not to laugh at his first joke, otherwise he just keeps going, and going, and going...
(6) He dresses from the left side up. Crazy.
(7) He likes brunettes more than blondes. I have red hair... Where do I fit in?
I got gipped... Both shows were only 5 minutes. Lame.
Oh, and the TBN reports that Timmmmmaaay could be back next week. Kim and I were talking the other night and we decided that it would be fun to start a pool amongst the Sabres Blogosphere in regards to the next game Tim gets hurt during. Seriously, that would be amazing.
My mother insists that he needs to have his own hospital wing, with his own little bed, and own private nursing staff. WAITT!! That could be a bad idea... Well, they're all in the hospital, so I guess they could stock up on the needed vaccinations and antibiotics and what not...
And tell me why, every time I watch the Pirates play online they lose? Granted, yesterday's loss was in overtime, but still. I fell asleep during the first period (at a 0-0 tie), only to wake up about halfway through the second and find the score to the 2-1 Hartford. Note to self: Stay Awake. But Gerbe tied it up at the end of the third, but they obvs blew that. Whatever. As long as they win next Friday while I'm there, that's alright.
Oh, and someone please try to deny the fact that Paul Gaustad is the most adorable grown man in the history of mankind. Please. Because I give you Exhibit A for the defense:
From today's Buffalo News:
Paul Gaustad took a one-timer at the end of practice Wednesday, and it was a rocket. The puck glanced off the goaltender's arm and continued into the net.
Gaustad raised his stick, smiled broadly and shouted, "I'm back!"
Cute! You can't deny it. I dare you to try. And I'll win because MJ will be my lawyer, and we all know how she feels about Paul.
OH MY GOODNESS, I FORGOT AGAIN. Two new-ish signings at Dave and Adam's have been posted. I say new-ish because one is new, the other just got a date.
Tommy will be at their Transit location Tuesday, December 2nd.
Is it fate that he's going to be there exactly 6 days before my birthday? Probably not. It's probably just coincidence, but seeing as how Thursdays are usually Cari + Derek = Fate Day, and all I could garnish from his interview this morning was that we both prefer brunettes, I'll take this. It's his birthday present to me. Yay!
That's it for coherent thoughts, so I'm off to Anatomy. I'll post after the game, while I watch the replay of the Pirates playing in their pink jerseys. And they're not just pink; they're HOT pink, which makes it even better, but they had to throw the black in there to man them up a bit, I guess... Anyways, I'm taping it. For those of you who care, it's on channel 13 at 8:30.
Ugh, and unfortunately, I'm going to miss the first two period of the Sabres game. I hate having plans during Sabres games. It does no good for my relationship with them...
My favorite is when Andrew Peters went on Kiss last season and just made fun of Janet Snyder the whole time, and she didn't even respond or probably notice.
clearly the boa and crown picture was popular to use for drew's birthday pic...because I used the same one. lol
My favorite is when Andrew Peters went on Kiss last season and just made fun of Janet Snyder the whole time, and she didn't even respond or probably notice.
OH MY GOODNESS I had forgotten about that... I loved that, too, because I cannot stand Janet Snyder. Oh, that was spectacular...
clearly the boa and crown picture was popular to use for drew's birthday pic
Drew is my favorite Pretty, Pretty Princess. That is, until I post the picture of Sparky like that...
Petey says they're not having a party?! That's not what Pommers said...oh no, Pommers, don't be lying to me in your blog, MISTER!
He likes brunettes more than blondes.
Haha, I don't exactly mind. Derek, I love you, but not as much as some other girlies I know.
And tell me why, every time I watch the Pirates play online they lose?
They show their games online?! :o OH MY GOSH, THIS NEWS MAKES ME ECSTATIC!
Aww, and I love what Goose said. <3 He certainly is back!
happy birthday, drew!
crashing hard drives - external hard drives = angry frostee
Shelby, I don't feel like italicizing your entire comment, so you get your own:
If Jason is lying, then Derek is too. I'll believe sweet Jason and Derek before Petey. He's the class clown, so I'm sure he's just trying to work us up.
And I guess I can be okay with Derek liking brunettes more than blondes because my hair is pretty dark... It has a brown base and natural red highlights, so... But he likes brunettes more than redheads because he chose Mary Ann over Ginger. But Mary Ann does rhyme with Carianne, so...
And to watch the Pirates games online, you have to either buy the season package, or pay $6 each game. If I'm home and don't have plans, I'll shell out the $6. That's 30 minutes pay for me, so I'm okay with that.
And I still want to make Goose retro-pay cookies...
crashing hard drives - external hard drives = angry frostee
I cried. No lie.
My favorite is when Andrew Peters went on Kiss last season and just made fun of Janet Snyder the whole time, and she didn't even respond or probably notice.
I think I may love Peters just for that alone. But I'd be leaning more towards Janet not noticing that she was being mocked. She's not the brightest bulb in the lamp a lot of the time.
She's not the brightest bulb in the lamp a lot of the time.
A lot of the time? Now you're just being too nice. =]
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